Logoplex Injection Solutions
Therapy-safe – economical – contemporary, this is how the Ziegler “logoplex® homeopathic remedies” can be described. Logoplex® injections are “logical combination drugs” specially tailored to animals. This is logical because several ingredients within one preparation complement each other sensibly for the treatment of a specific clinical picture. A broad spectrum of the disease can be covered simultaneously by this mutually beneficial effect. Logoplex® injectables consist of high-quality natural plant, mineral and animal substances. Whenever possible, medicinal plants and plant components originate from organic farming. One advantage of “logoplex® therapy” is, among other things, that a suitable individual remedy does not have to be found in a time-consuming and individually tailored manner to the patient – in contrast to Hahnemann’s classical homeopathy. ZIEGLER logoplex® injectables are characterized by their reliable mode of action and their good tolerability. They are particularly suitable for the treatment of systemic diseases as well as diseases that are particularly common in large and small animals.

Orders exclusively through your veterinary practice or pharmacy!