While the logoplex® preparations can also be administered by homeopathic laymen according to purely conventional medical aspects, other rules apply to the use of the monopreparations: more extensive literature studies, a profound understanding of the mode of action of homeopathy and a certain tact for the practical implementation are necessary. Because it is not treated as in conventional medicine, the disease itself, but the individual, whose self-healing powers are to be set in motion again. Homeopathic logoplex® remedies cover the entire spectrum of a (system) disease – all components complement each other synergistically in their effect. Treatment with ZIEGLER monopreparations, on the other hand, is about hitting the bull’s eye when choosing a remedy. According to homeopathic principles, the claim here is to find the “most similar” remedy for the diseased animal that would be suitable to cause the disease to be treated itself. This is how therapy with ZIEGLER logoplex® drugs differs from therapy with ZIEGLER monopreparations such as compulsory and freestyle in the sports world.

Orders exclusively through your veterinary practice or pharmacy!